It's been quite a while since my last blog post. So long, in fact, that I don't know if anyone will even see this. Still, I wanted to wipe the dust off this blog, oil the rusty hinges, and turn the sign back over to "Open." I intend, over the next few weeks, to start posting here, on various and sundry topics.
One of the first things I want to let you all know about is the work I've been involved with over the last few months. I've been working with a team of people from several different churches in Albuquerque to bring the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class back to New Mexico! This will be the first time in about 3 years that the class has been offered, and I'm really excited about it. If you're not excited yet, then keep reading to find out why you should be....
The Perspectives class is designed to give Christians a glimpse of God's work and world outside of their normal experience. It tells the story of God's work throughout human history, to rescue people from every "Nation, tribe, and tongue" and unite together into His church. That's why Jesus came to Earth, and that's what God is passionate about. The class also looks at how the church has spread the Gospel and made disciples over the last 2000 years (the good and the bad), and the task that remains for this generation. Finally, students learn how they are called, and how they fit into God's work to redeem all nations, and what they can do to be more faithful servants in their church and in the world.
The class has the potential to be life-changing and revolutionary, and I believe that every Christian who has the opportunity should take Perspectives. That's why I'm so excited that the class will be available in New Mexico again! We're offering a 5-week "Exposures" course starting February 5, that will give people an overview of the material, then we'll offer the full 12-week course this Fall. Classes are scheduled for Albuquerque and Socorro, and we're seeing some good involvement from a number of churches in both locations!
For more information about the Perspectives course, and how you can register, please visit If you don't live in New Mexico but are still interested in the class, then visit to find a class in your area!