Monday, April 25, 2005

World Malaria Day

Brandon over at Bad Christian just informed me of the fact that today is World Malaria Day. Malaria kills 1.1 million people every year, even though it is quite treatable, and has been virtually eradicated in the West. I would encourage you to take a moment today to say a prayer for the victims of this epidemic, then educate yourself about what you can do to help eliminate this scourge.

Brandon has also laid down a challenge to everyone to get involved. His full post is here, but basically it boils down to:
1. Educate yourself
2. Educate others
3. Sign a commitment to help (see my link to the petition)

And I'm going to one-up him and add one more point to the action list:
4. Commit to pray for those affected by poverty (whether in terms of malaria, hunger, AIDS, disenfranchisement, oppression, or spiritual poverty) regularly. God does repspond to prayer, and as Christians, it should be the first (though not the only) point of action on serious issues.

Lots more to write about; hopefully I'll do some more serious blogging soon.

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